Enriching Lives - Students at 12Stone



12Stone Church was looking to create a film for their student ministry for a live event that would speak into the impact one student can make with their life. We wanted to find ways celebrate the small things that make a difference in a students day to day life and cast vision for what being a follower of Jesus could look like out side the walls of a church building.

Some goals for the film were to shoot in locations that students encounter in their every day life. We also wanter to celebrate the diversity of 12Stone Church and champion students from different backgrounds being represented within the film.

I believe music and sounds are a huge part in what gives life to a films story, so we reached out early in the films production to local composer Steven Melin who delivered a compelling bed. He incorporated the vision of using modern sounds in an orchestral, rhythmic, piece that had a forward momentum.

The over all event was a win - having students providing positive feedback of being inspired to make a difference.

What we've done

1. Producing

2. Co-Writing

3. Directing

4. Filming

5. Editing

6. Sound Design

7. Scoring

Still from Film - Local Coffee Shop
Still from Film - Students Building Meaningful Relationships
Still from Film - Lake Lanier Park
Still from Film - Suwannee Town Center
Still from Film - Group Leaders Investing in Students
Still from Film - Naahemaa takes initiative to build a new relationship.
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blessed to work with great local brands.

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